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April 04, 2019 2 min read


This month has seen the celebration of the annual World Wildlife Day. There are so many amazing animals on our planet that need the recognition they deserve and this year’s theme “Life below water” is a topic very close to Planet Mermaid’s heart.

This is a time to renew our appreciation for our planets oceans and marine life that lives below the magical waters and raise awareness about the breathtaking diversity that marine life brings.

Did you know that….

  1. Our ocean cover more than 70% of the earth’s surface
  2. Less than 5% of the planets oceans have been explored
  3. Over 70 per cent of our planet’s oxygen is produced by the ocean
  4. The Pacific Ocean is the world’s largest ocean and contains around 25,000 islands
  5. Around 50 per cent of the US lies beneath the ocean
  6. It’s possible to find rivers and lakes beneath the ocean
  7. We still only know a fraction of the marine species in our oceans
  8. There are more historic artefacts under the sea than in all of the world’s museums
  9. The world’s longest mountain chain is underwater
  10. The majority of life on Earth is aquatic

The ocean is just one of those amazing places which oozes fantastic sea life species and with nearly 200,000 already identified species with millions yet to be accounted for the ocean needs much needed recognition and exposure to get the remaining unidentified species accounted for.

Below is just a very small selection of these almost alien like creatures that live their lives deep within our oceans.

Feather Star – these creatures wave their feathers to get around the water

Glaucus Atlanticus - aka. the “blue dragon” is a type of stinging sea slug!

Leafy Sea Dragon – it is actually a type of fish!

It is a very sad fact that as much as 40% of the ocean is now heavily affected by the most significant and direct threat of over exploitation of marine species as well as other threats such as pollution, loss of coastal habitats and climate change.

The Sea Life Trust is just one charity whose vision is to have a world where oceans are healthy, properly protected and full of diverse life. Through global campaigns and projects they champion the need for plastic free oceans, sustainable fishing, effective marine protected areas and an end to over-exploitation of marine life.

It is time for us ocean lovers to show our support and help preserve these precious creatures that live below our oceans in an amazing underwater world… Visit to find out more and see how you can help out this wonderful cause,

You never know you may even come across a real life mermaid in your quest!

Please send us your ideas for support and ways you have helped during World Wildlife Day on our social media platforms, we would love to see them and share with fellow mermaid lovers!



#WorldWildlifeDay, #LifeBelowWater, #PeopleAndPlanet, #WWD2018, #DoOneThingToday, #MarineSpecies

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Keep mermaiding and sharking!

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