April 07, 2020 3 min read
Finding different ways of keeping your bundles of joy entertained at any time can be a challenging concept but having to adapt to a new way of life during these unprecedented times can seem a little daunting, especially when your options are very limited!
The new “every day living” is very different to what we are used to, home schooling and working from home is now the new “norm” and something which we had to adapt to very quickly.
No one knows how long we will be in this situation for or when normal life will resume but until then let’s take this time to spend precious time with our family and do things together which you wouldn’t normally find time to do in your busy everyday lives.
Source: Google
We have come up with some mertastic suggestions below to help adults and children enjoy their self isolating time together and make memories to treasure!
Planet Mermaids top 15 mertastic and shark ideas:
1. Home baking
Source: Google
There are some fantastic online baking classes children can enjoy from the comfort and safety of their own home:
2. Make a memory box
Source: Google
Why not make a memory box containing memories from your past and your present. Memory boxes are a great way to keep imagination flowing.
Any box can be used, old or new, have fun decorating it and fill with all your special memories.
3. Mermaid and shark inspired crafts
Source: Google
4. Online PE with Joe Wicks
Source: Google
Every week day morning at 9am Joe Wicks aka “The Body Coach” puts on a live PE session lasting for 30 minutes where he uses different workouts to get children and adults moving in their own homes
5. Do a science experiment
6. Host a family dinner party
Why not turn a family dinner time into a trip to a luxury restaurant.
7. Make a bug house
8. Play a board game
Bring out those old favorites and have a family board game night
Source: Google
9. Take a walk
Source: Google
10. Make a treasure hunt
Source: Google
11. Make a family tree
Research your own family tree by face timing or calling your relatives and research your past online….you may be surprised what you might find!
12. Write a postcard to an elderly neighbour or friend
We guarantee this will make their day!
13. Build a den
Source: Google
14. Camp in the garden
As the weather gets better what a perfect opportunity to camp out in your garden or if you like your family comforts from the warmth of your sitting room!
Source: Google
15. Film night
Nothing beats sitting in front of a good film with a big bowl of popcorn!
Most importantly don’t forget Planet Mermaids very own Calendar competition – look on our website for more details! -
Adults take time for yourselves too, 20 minutes is all you need to re-focus your mind.
We would love to hear what you are up to…
Leave your feedback please visit our social media pages -
On a separate note we are still scheduling mermaid swimming sessions via for this summer and we recommend keeping spirits high in such strange times by letting our children continue to believe in the magic of hope and prosperity. Please use the #mermaidlockdown to show the world that the UK will continue to be hopeful and positive in a time where our generation can use technology to unite spirit and mind.
Planet Mermaid will continue posting parcels whilst our UK/International Couriers continue to knock on our door in Bedford to collect. Please look out for any vulnerable neighbours and extend the hand of grace and kindness to all postal staff, NHS staff and shopkeepers, small businesses who continue to provide a service.
At this time we would like to say the biggest mermaid thank you to you all for your continued support.
Visit to view our latest in amazing fabric mermaid tails for kids and adults, woman’s mermaid monofins, siren tails and a whole lot more!
Mermaid love to you all
Keep safe!
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