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March 11, 2019 2 min read

The tattoo industry is a booming market, last year the industry generated a staggering $1.6 billion in revenue according to the market research firm IBISWorld and there is no sign of a downturn. In fact over the next decade the industry is looking at a growth rate of 7.7%.

Today it is estimated that over a third of 25-29 year-olds have at least one tattoo with woman comprising of half of this figure.

This boom is a result of a rise in professionally trained artists doing a more competent job also contributed by the increase in celebrity and media exposure.  Famous celebrities who openly show off their body art include Justin Bieber, Rhianna, Katy Perry and Lady Gaga to name just a few!

This boom has also seen an increase in the amount of diverse tattoos available to choose from which can make your own choice a stressful process as you want to ensure the one you ultimately pick reflects your own personality.  The choice of size, colour, meaning and placement are also other major factors to consider in this process.

For those of us passionate about mermaids it is the perfect opportunity to bring the passion to life and show off your inner love.

The mermaid symbol goes far beyond the Disney princess meaning some even say it can go as deep as the ocean itself.  Other meanings associated with this symbol include danger, sensuality, temptation all of which are steeped in history.

With our own bodies made primarily of water it can also been a symbolism of people’s desire to swim in the vast oceans and get lost under the waves into an underwater world full of mystery, charm and intrigue releasing their inner sensuality and feminine beauty whilst showing the world they are not shy to bare their bodies.

Mermaids are the admired descendants of Aphrodite and Venus, the goddesses of both love and beauty which is also an added attraction for choosing a mermaid inspired tattoo.

There are many different mermaid inspired design ideas out there to choose from. They vary from the perceived pretty mermaid with long flowing hair and a beautiful mermaid tail sitting on a rock with the waves lashing around her to the portrayed Disney character of Ariel from the Little Mermaid.  Whatever your design you will be sure it reflects your nature and individuality.

Beautiful examples of mermaid tattoos can be seen below:

Mermaid Tail Tattoo

Amazed by this wonder of symbolism associated with a mermaid tattoo…go on celebrate and embrace your inner and outer beauty.

Have you already taken that step and got a mermaid tattoo? Please share your artwork with us we would love to see them and share with fellow mermaid lovers!



Keep mermaiding

Check our mermaid swimming videos to get inspired!

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